Departmental Educational Classes & Seminars

We offer a range of educational classes that are designed to meet your fire department’s needs. We will work out a specific plan of instruction that is appropriate to your department with the topics that are relevant and important to educate your firefighters and officers to excel in their administration positions and on the fire ground. 

The list below are some examples of educational classes we have provided in the past. Contact us today to discuss what your department needs are and how we can provide an instructional educational class or classes to achieve them. These classes range depending on your needs from a 2-hour seminar & PowerPoint to a 1-day class or 3-day course. 

Your Firefighters and Officers will receive a certification certificate of completion with the hours and topics that were covered for their recognition and your documentation.

Your members will be given reference guides for tactics and strategies for fireground and evolving incidents. They will also receive reference guides with step by step procedures for subordinate issues and administration programs.  

CEU credits will be given when possible. 

Street Smart Incident Command & Leadership – How to reduce the span of control and manage any incident – What real leadership is and taking extreme ownership – how to delegate authority, communicate, and hold your subordinates accountable while earning their respect.

Mayday procedures from a firefighter’s perspective to the Incident Commander’s

Evolving Incidents – How to handle ANY evolving incident or change in tactics

Building Construction – All 5 Classes including Hybrid and Buildings Under construction. All firefighters and officers must know building construction, the positive and negatives of all 5 types, how fire travels, collapse potentials, and all factors and concerns with each class of construction. We teach tactics, strategies, and managing the incident, from the firefighter’s, to the incident commander’s perspective. Our instructors have been in the construction trades and chief officers for many years, we are experienced as well as educated. There is no one better to teach your department about building construction.

We teach fire tactics, strategies, and managing the incidents for:

High Rise (Residential & Commercial) (Heavy & Lightweight)

Warehouse (All Classes of Construction) 

Ordinary (1 & 2 family homes & Multiple Dwellings) 

Wood-frame (1 & 2 family homes & Multiple Dwellings)

Taxpayer (All Classes of Construction) (Strip Malls and Mixed Occupancies) 

Truss Constructed Buildings (Wood & Steel Truss & Heavy Timber Truss)  

Hybrid Construction (A Mix of Lightweight Truss) 

Car Accidents (MVAs) (Extrication/Fires)  

Train Incidents (Commuter or Freight) 

Hazardous Material Incidents (Confined Space & Trench rescue, Terrorism – Tactics, Strategy, and Managing the Incident & Unified Command)

Gas, Carbon Monoxide, Propane, Oil Burners (How to Handle Any Problem or Scenario)

Subordinate Conflict (We Teach New Officers How to Handle ALL Different Type of Problems with Subordinates) 

Administration (How to Develop Programs) (How to Budget and get the Finances needed for Your Plan) 

Email me at or contact me directly at 732-779-9214

for pricing or more information on what we can do for your department!